A database driven website will use a database to gather, display, or manipulate information. Database driven websites are very powerful tools because they allow a site to be dynamically generated or customized to display the information that is relevant to each visitor. Database driven web sites can number anywhere from just a few pages all the way up to hundreds of pages.
A database is a store of information, usually in large quantities, and often of a complex nature. A database can contain something as simple as a list of people, or as complex as a accounting data, inventories, and other information that is interrelated beyond simple lists. Some common database systems include Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL, and MS-Access.An example of a database driven website is www.certmagic.com. Please click here for more information about databases and NextAge database solutions.
NextAge has extensive experience building database driven websites and applications using a number of different database formats. Request a Proposal or contact us today to make an appointment